2010 General Meeting -Southern California Sookmyung

seong park 1 3,319 2010.01.25 20:35
2010 General Meeting was held on Jan 23, 2010 at Oxford Palace Hotel in Los Angles.
About 80 memebers and guests attended the meeting. It was beginned with School song. Welcome speech was given by President Kim, Kook Kyung('70 education) and scholar ships were awarded to this year's recipient: cho, Ha Kyung('96 piano), Kim, Aeri('82 Vocal)'s son. Then there were a great feast and new year's party: music, song, dance, games, and raffle with lots of prize, donated by alumae. There were a lot of fun and laugh. There also was strong unity to become one family. President Kim thanked to all members to attend under the economic pressure and wished happy new year.

** computer problem and using library's computer, will update more pics later, Thanks**


Lv.1 seong park  골드
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허경숙 2010.01.26 10:48
신년 모임에 많은 인원이 모여서 즐거운 시간 가지셨군요.올해는 각 지부에서 모이기에 힘쓰는 동문회가 되었으면 하는 바램이군요.남가주 모임에 많은 인원이 모이니 보기 좋군요.
글이 없습니다.
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