Newsletter of 2008

sungsooklee 0 5,753 2008.01.03 21:19
VineBranch, Inc.  Newsletter of 2008 (이성숙)

Praise The Lord for the New 2008 Year!

I was reading 2 Timothy Ch. 4…and the following comment were written in article, “…We need to realize that the Lord does not reward talent or results - He rewards motive and faithfulness.”  At the end of his life, Paul wrote: "There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing" (v. 8). That means you and me! Yes!!
My personal email to Hospice Atlanta & Metro Prison Christmas Program Participates
Thank you for your participation at the Hospice Atlanta and Metro State Women's Prison Christmas Program.  I appreciate your honoring us with your precious time. 
Once again the Voices of Lee gave a superb performance!  You could just feel the reaction from the patients and the inmates!!
It was a very long day for the Voices ... starting when the Bus broke down on the way down to Atlanta! However, when they arrived at the Hospice Atlanta, they remained calm and immediately started comforting the patients with their wonderful singing.  They even sang a special “Happy Birthday” to one of the patients!
Because each one of you did your part in the program by showing your love of Christ Jesus, we were all blessed.  Every moment was filled with glory as we lifted our praises to the Lord!!
Time was running short near the end of the program (9:00PM Count time) and I did not have enough time to recite the John 3:16 in Korean and ask the inmates to recite a loud in English (I do annually) and to tell them the “Silent Night Holy Night” story how it was composed and to express my thanks and appreciation to the residents of Metro who participated ...  recited the poem “Christian” by Maya Angela and sang “Lord, I want to be a Christian” and Sally Windhorn sang solo “What Child is this?” so beautifully.        I saw the efforts for their special make-ups and hairdos!  You could see their excitement through the expression on their faces!  Perhaps you didn't notice...but I did! Thanks my sisters in Jesus Christ!
Chaplain Bishop told me after the program that at Metro State Women's Prison, out of the 1000 inmates in the prison, 550 inmates attended our Christmas Music Program!  That is certainly a tribute to our Lord, and to the Voices of Lee!
Thank you from my heart to yours. VineBranch, Inc. SungSookLee

Email from the Warden Roberts
Hello Ms. Lee.  Thanks for your role in bringing the Voices of Lee to Metro.  They put on a wonderful performance.  Today on inspection inmates voiced their appreciation for the great show. Once again thank you for coordinating this event, and for all the work you do for the residents of Metro. Hope you have a great Christmas.  Kevin Roberts, Warden Metro State Prison
Email from Linda Britton, MD –Medical Director of Hospice Atlanta
SungSook, Thank you so much for today! It was so wonderful to be a part of this gift to the patients of Hospice Atlanta. The singers were so gracious and such accomplished and poised young men and women. We truly felt blessed to have you and them honored us in this way. Please extend my heartfelt gratitude to all involved: and, of course, to you for working so hard to make all this happen. We would love you to come back next year! Thank you so much for all you do! Best for a very Happy New Year! Linda

The most important purpose in doing this program annually is to comfort the spiritually needy.  Even if only one Word is imprinted in their hearts that will remain there and cause them to return to Soli Deo Gloria, it is worth all our efforts!!!

I have never had any problems at the Metro State Women’s Prison with our Christian program; teaching sacred music, Hymns and Spirituals, or telling stories about Savior Jesus Christ, reading the Bible, or having the inmates offer their testimonies about their personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.   
This year we had the privilege of inviting Warden Kevin Roberts (He is the 4th Warden since my ministry at the prison) to offer his encouragement to the inmates.  Can you guess what he talked about?  The Lord Jesus Christ!
I know for sure, if I did not have this freedom to praise my Lord Jesus Christ at the Metro State Women’s Prison, it would not have lasted for over the 10 years. I will continue as long as possible with the Lord helping me! Also, I thank Chaplain Susan Bishop for guiding me so faithfully over the years!
If you wish to express your comments or suggestions, I would like to use them in my Newsletter, with your permission, of course.

“…Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come… Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power: for Thou didst create all things, and because of Thy will they were, and were created.” (Rev. 4: 8, 11)
Agape in Jesus Christ,
Sung Sook Lee


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