초상화의 거장 Nicolas de Lanrzhiler

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Nicolas de Larzhiler

The famous French painter. Born in the early otktyabrya 1656 (baptized October 10) in Paris. Father Nicolas de Larzhilera, merchant, took the three year old son with him to Antwerp, from 1668 Nicola studied in Antwerp, later Nicola about two years he lived in London. Father wanted the boy to go to the commercial part, but he showed a tendency to draw on his return to Antwerp in 1668 began his studies in the studio of Anthony Goubaux.


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In 1672 Larzhiler was adopted at the Antwerp Guild of St. Luke arts masters. At the age of eighteen Larzhiler again went to England, made ​​the acquaintance of Peter Lely, under whose leadership in the years 1675-1679 produced (along with Antonio Verro) restoration of paintings at Windsor Castle, and create their own works of historical content, as well as still lifes and portraits wrote: try influence of Rubens and Van Dyck.


The skill of the painter caught the attention of King Charles II, who wanted to keep him in the service, but the disclosure Rayhauzskogo conspiracy in 1683 to compromise him as a Catholic, and Larzhiler was forced to leave the country.

Since 1682 Larzhiler worked in Paris, where he devoted himself primarily portraiture. In Paris, his talent was highly eval‍uated Lebrun and Adam Franz van der Meulen. Brilliance in color and liveliness smear attracted to his studio the then many celebrities: actresses, public figures and well-known preachers. Among the most famous models were the painter Pierre Daniel Yue Avranshsky bishop, Cardinal de Noailles, the family of the president of Duclos and Lambert with his family.

King James II, has settled in England in 1685, brought the artist to himself and offered the post of keeper of the royal collections, Larzhiler proposals are not accepted, still under Impressions event two years ago. During his stay in London, the artist painted a posthumous portrait of Charles II. Back at the beginning of 1686 in Paris, Larzhiler became an honorary member of the French Academy. As an introductory work, he presented a portrait Lebrun - one of the peaks of his work.


In portrait Larzhilera works, like his other colleagues at the time, landscape has also played an important role and was used as the background for the figures. Landscape backgrounds and iridescent pastel color with Larzhilera anticipate rococo art.

Portraits - the best part of the legacy of the artist. They Larzhiler over time achieve ever greater freedom and naturalness in painting, picture poses, outfits. Of the Flemish school of art Larzhilera include such features as warm colors, wide thick strokes, wavy lines, which give the paintings dynamism. One of the most realistic paintings of the artist and one of the masterpieces of French portrait painting is the "man in a purple robe" (1700). Stylistically, this work will appear in nearly two years, the portrait of the sculptor Charles Boucher. Some features of the technique of oil painting, these works have in common with the work of Velazquez.

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Three different genre, in which the artist excelled, embodied in 1709 in the film "Louis XIV and his family", whose character became Louis himself, his brother's widow, Elizabeth, Charlotte, young prince (the future Louis XV) and the Duke of Orleans.

In 1714 there was one of the most extraordinary works by the artist - "Study of different types of hands," which shows how much the author owned oil painting techniques: thick layers of the arms themselves, he writes, shows thin tissue (Larzhiler famous skill in transferring textures).

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1718 - the year of the creation of the famous portrait of Voltaire. Toward the end of his life wrote Larzhiler more male portraits of persons belonging to the Paris bourgeoisie, whose names are usually not set (in this area of his main rival was Iasent Rigaud, who, however, preferred to write aristocrats). Intimate portraits by Larzhilera swampiness marked individual characteristics. He generally prefers private commissions official: it was associated with less responsibility and more rapid payment.

The artist also created a group portrait, designed to perpetuate any special occasion ("The meeting of the Paris City Hall in 1687," a sketch for a lost painting). Success attended and career growth. In 1722, the artist became a director, and in 1743, three years before his death, - Chancellor of the Academy.

Larzhilera after death became known to the general public some of his landscapes and still life, the best of these works - "Woodland." The most outstanding pupil of the master was Jean-Baptiste Oudry. Other pupils Larzhilera - Jacques Francois Delen and Swedish painter Gustav Lundberg.
Nicolas de Larzhiler died March 20, 1746 in Paris.


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