Giotto di Bondone

금수강산 0 3,488 2015.03.21 12:19



Giotto di Bondone

1266(~67)/76 피렌체 근처 베스피냐노 - 1337. 1. 8 피렌체

14세기 이탈리아의 가장 중요한 화가






The Doctors of the Church




Francis Mourned by St




The Devils Cast Out of Arezzo




Saint Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man




The Meeting at the Golden Gate




The Meeting at the Golden Gate








The Ascension




Arena Chapel at Padua




Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple




Joachim's Dream




Joachim's Dream




The Flight into Egypt




The Flight into Egypt




The Presentation at the Temple




The Presentation at the Temple




The Madonna in Glory






Mendelssohn Violin Concerto E Minor OP.64





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