Bartolomeo Vivarini

금수강산 0 2,323 2015.03.21 12:32



Bartolomeo Vivarini

1432 – 1499

Italian painter





Museum: Pinacoteca Provinciale Bari













Bartolomeo Vivarini

Bartolomeo or Bartolommeo Vivarini

1432 – 1499, Italian painter

known to have worked from 1450 to 1499.


Bartolomeo's brother Antonio and his nephew (also possibly his pupil) Alvise were also painters.

He learned oil painting from Antonello da Messina, and is said to have produced, in 1473,

the first oil picture done in Venice. Housed in the basilica of San Zanipolo,

it is a large altar-piece in nine divisions, representing Augustine and other saints.

Most of his works, however, are in tempera. His outline is always hard, and his colour good;

the figures have much dignified and devout expression‍.

As "vivarino" means in Italian a goldfinch,

he sometimes drew a goldfinch as the signature of his pictures.

The Getty Museum,  Harvard University Art Museums, the Honolulu Museum of Art,

the Louvre, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.),

the National Gallery, London, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art,

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana (Milan), Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna,

Pinacoteca Provinciale di Bari, the Rijksmuseum

and the Uffizi are among the public collections holding works by Bartolomeo Vivarini.





비제 / Ave Maria
Inessa Galante, Soprano
Aivars Kalejs, Organ









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