Have you heard of Sookmyung !!!

샬롬 1 2,370 2013.03.16 19:42

Have you heard of Sookmyung !

Dear friends,

Though you may not have even heard of Sookmyung, it is an established fact that Sookmyung communicates with the wider world by sending more than 1,000 students on overseas study, global internship, global explorer, and international volunteer service programs every year. Surely, a number of exchange students from foreign countries come to Sookmyung as well.

Professors and students from Stanford University, Wellesley College, and other top universities from around the world gather together at the Sookmyung International Summer School. Also, professors of repute at many universities, foreign ambassadors, and other esteemed speakers are invited to give special lectures at the school. Furthermore, Sookmyung is home to the Korean Cultural Institute, which has established itself as a hub for cultural exchange among Asian countries, and the Korean Food Institute, which leads in globalization of Korean food, and jointly runs the Le Cordon Bleu-Sookmyung Academy with the world`s no.1 culinary school. As such, Sookmyung is making dedicated efforts to forge strong ties with the rest of the world.

Sookmyung walks towards the world as the world walks towards Sookmyung… But this is only the beginning. You & Sookmyung! Until the day we meet up as global leaders capable of initiating change in the world, we will look forward to that day with great excitement.

Best regards,

From Young Sil Han
President of Sookmyung University


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샬롬 2013.03.16 20:39
<font Color=Red><Font Size=2><B>Have you heard of Sookmyung !
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