Henri Jean Guillaume Martin I. !!!

샬롬 1 1,630 2014.04.08 09:27
  Henri Jean Guillaume Martin
French Post Impressionist Painter
born 1860 - died 1943 
 Beautiful Girl Walking through the Field, a Flower in Her Hand
The Lovers of Spring
Branche de Citisedans Une Vase 
Beneath the Trellis

Central Basin Park Manor Marquayrol 
In the flowers
two women
Two women sitting on a railing in front of Pierre
The Devout
Guardian goat walking in the Valley of Green
Girl with Flowers
Young woman carrying a basket on her head to a pergola red vine-yard
Young Women in Garden Marquayrol
Young veiled woman in a white forest
Kneeling Muse
La Bastide-du-Vert
Lady with Lyre by Pine trees
the Gloriette
Treille Fleurie
Valley Green Labastide-du-Vert
The child The goose
The Summer
The terrace Marquayrol 
Madame Henri Martin sitting on the edge of a basin of Marquayrol
Madame Henri Martin under the Oleander at Marquayrol
Marie Louise
The Muse  
Flowering garden in Spring
 Poets on a lake shore
Orpheus Playing the Lyre
Trees in flower
The Poetess
Polpars by a Stream
Sewing in the garden at Marquayrol 
The Shepherdess
A Shepherdess and Her Sheep
Three Women in a garden
Two Peasants


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샬롬 2014.04.08 09:47
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