Henri Jean Guillaume Martin II !!!

샬롬 1 1,825 2014.04.08 09:37
Henri Jean Guillaume Martin
French Post Impressionist Painter
born 1860 - died 1943 
Two Sisters
The weaving women
Woman on the Grass 
A woman sewing
Woman sewing on a veranda
Women sewing at the Pergoal in Marquayrol
Young Girl Sewing
Young woman sewing in garden
Young Women Beneath the Arbor
Young Women in the Garden at Marquayrol
A woman sewing
Large Sewing under the Pergola on the South Side of the Arbor Park at Marquayrol
Orpheus in a wood 
Poplars in Spring
Muse in the Fields 
dream of the day 


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샬롬 2014.04.08 09:49
<EMBED height=45 type=application/octet-stream hidden=true width=280 src=http://pds57.cafe.daum.net/original/11/cafe/2008/01/21/06/27/4793bcc2965ee&amp;.wma allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowNetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" volume="0" loop="true" a="" allowNetworking='internal' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' allowNetworking='internal' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' allowNetworking='internal' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain'>
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